C4K #3 I was assigned to read/watch the ninth post on the archive list. It was movie called Terrible Pirates and was based on a lesson they were doing in school, Mighty Mariners. It was made a old time silent movie. The children did a great job acting. There were different scenes, but I must say that the damsel in distress was my favorite. Technology is awesome and I think it is great for the kids, because they can have fun.
C4K #4 My assigned students has not kept up with his blog, so I viewed a daughter of an EDM310 Alumni's blog. Her name is Kyla Carpenter. She is a extremely intelligent second grader. Kyla has already completed several videos, voice threads, as well as a Google presentation. Her most recent post is a video called the Secret Act. It was a video in a short story form of a trick that her dog can do. She put all the toys in the dog kennel and locked the door. Then, she walked out of the scene and her dog came in opened the door and pulled her toys out. It was so cute.
C4K #5 I was asked to view two students blogs for this assignment. One being a high school student and the other being a 7th grader from Australia. First, I read the high school students blog. I wish that I had thought the way she did when I was in high school. She views education the way it should be viewed, a opportunity that should be taken advantage. She gives a perfect example of the women in Saudi Arabia. They are not allowed to do anything without a mans permission. How will they ever know that that is not the way it should be if they do not have the opportunities to learn. Here I am a women and I am in college and I take it for granted. She has greatly changed my views of school.
She also says that if students do not learn for themselves then they will believe everything that they are told and not have their own opinion about things. That is very important. I am a prime example. I have always been told who I should vote for, what political party, etc., but how can I argue why I do those things if I cannot support my views. Having your own opinion is vital in society. She is a very bright girl and I look forward to hearing more from her.
The second blog I was assigned was Lauren. Her most recent post was dealing with anger. They were studying anger issues in Skills For Life. I gave her some pointers on helping her deal with her anger issues.
C4K #6 This C4K, I was assigned a student named Quinn. She has not had anything in particular posted on her blog. She does, however, have one poem on there that I commented on. It was about her playing volleyball. I left her a comment telling her that I liked her poem and that I knew what she was talking about because I played volleyball and basketball in high school.
C4K #7 I was assigned the October 7th post on Mr. McClung's Blog to look at. It was titled
Global Pool of Money. This post was about the past weeks topic in class which was the recent recession that America was in and how it came about. He went through the chain of events in laymen terms for the 8th graders so they would understand. Mr. McClung started at people going to the bank for loans, which they they knew they were not good for, to that loan being sold over and over again and finally landing in the hands of big time investors. The problem they ran in to is the people who asked for the loan never paid up.
This happens all the time. People get way in over there head in debt that cannot be paid and others end up having to pay for it. The best thing people can do is buy under there means so that when hard times come you can still pay for what you owe.