Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Post 9

"What I've Learned This Year" By Mr. McClung
I very much liked this post. I love that teachers care that much of their students and show it by trying to find ways to improve different areas. He gives seven different thoughts of what he learned his first year of teaching. These different things are advice about student teacher relationships, co-worker relationships, just some tips to follow. I'm just going to touch base of a few from the group.
Be flexible with your students. No matter how much you practice a lesson it cannot be perfect because it all depends on the students. Listening to your students is one of the most important ones. You must be able to listen to your students concerns in order for them to learn. Your students will respect you for it in the end and know that you care about them. That means a lot to students. Don't be afraid of technology because it is not going to go away. Technology will continue to grow and it is best to accept that fact and use what is given. Be reasonable is also a big one. Do not set your goals too high for your students and you won't be disappointed in the long run when they do not reach them. You are just setting yourself up for failure and heartache because you believe that you did not do your best, when you did.
These are just a few that I thought were important. The most important I believe to never stop learning yourself. As a teacher, your job is to teach and be there for these children. If you stop learning about knew things it will be the students teaching you more than you teaching them. Mr. McClung gives you some hints to being a great teacher and educator and I recommend you keep them handy and remind yourself of them. Thats what I'm going to do.


  1. Hi Leslie, I too believe that a teacher should never stop trying to learn. And it is very encouraging to know that teachers still care about their students and that these types of teachers are trying to help us.

  2. I am not sure I am in agreement with Mr. McClung on goal setting. Or maybe he is talking about something else. I agree with Randy Pausch. Set it higher and be surprised when you have to move it up another notch!

    Did you get an assignment this week to comment on Mr. McClung's blog? If not, check it out anyway! Mr. McClung's World
